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It is important that you know how much our services will cost you. All fees will be disclosed and agreed upon up front and prior to our undertaking your legal matter. Fees may vary on a case by case basis depending on a number of factors. There are also several different fee structures that we use depending on the type of legal matter at issue. Some fee structures that we use are: Смотрите информацию bracelets store здесь.

Flat Fees

We handle many legal matters on an up-front flat fee basis. We charge flat fees to perform various tasks like drafting wills and estate plans and often times for criminal cases and in some divorce cases. Our flat fees will be disclosed and agreed upon and must be paid in advance. The flat fee arrangement may or may not include expenses. Flat fee arrangements are a great way to know exactly how much our professional services will cost you in advance.

Hourly Fees

We handle some legal matters on an hourly basis. Under this fee arrangement, we generally require a retainer that we place in our attorney trust account and bill against on a monthly basis. The retainer will usually have to be routinely replenished. All hourly billing rates will also be fully disclosed and agreed upon in advance. Detailed statements will be provided summarizing each month’s fees and expenses.

Contingency Fees

We handle certain cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning we don’t get paid unless we obtain a recovery on your behalf. This type of fee structure is generally used in catastrophic personal injury cases or cases involving disputes that require us to sue a company or other large business on your behalf. All contingency fees will be disclosed and agreed to up front and also put in writing. We generally advance expenses in these cases and then get reimbursed in the event that there is a recovery of some sort.

Disclaimer: This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Usage of this website does not constitute an attorney-client relationship.
Erick & Thomas, P.C.    Uptown Tower, Suite 870,    4144 N. Central Expressway.    Dallas, TX 75204.   
Tel: 214-821-1700    Fax: 214-821-1703
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